Ordering Recommendation

Use to assess genetic risk of abnormal drug metabolism for CYP3A4 and/or CYP3A5 substrates. May aid in drug selection and dose planning for drugs metabolized by CYP3A4 and/or CYP3A5.

New York DOH Approval Status

This test is New York state approved.

Specimen Required

Patient Preparation

Lavender (EDTA), pink (K2EDTA), or yellow (ACD solution A or B).

Specimen Preparation

Transport 3 mL whole blood. (Min: 1 mL)

Storage/Transport Temperature


Unacceptable Conditions

Plasma or serum. Specimens collected in sodium heparin or lithium heparin. Frozen specimens in glass collection tubes.


Ambient: 72 hours; Refrigerated: 1 week; Frozen: 1 month


Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)/Fluorescence Monitoring




5-10 days

Reference Interval

By report

Interpretive Data

Refer to report

Counseling and informed consent are recommended for genetic testing. Consent forms are available online.

Compliance Category

Laboratory Developed Test (LDT)


Whole blood is the preferred specimen. Saliva samples that yield inadequate DNA quality and/or quantity will be reported as inconclusive if test performance does not meet laboratory-determined criteria for reporting.

Hotline History


CPT Codes

81230; 81231


Component Test Code* Component Chart Name LOINC
3001519 3A4/3A5 Specimen 31208-2
3001520 CYP3A4 Genotype 81139-8
3001521 CYP3A5 Genotype 81140-6
3001522 3A4/3A5 Interpretation 50398-7
3004504 CYP3A4 Phenotype 81145-5
3004505 CYP3A5 Phenotype 79717-5
3016874 EER CYP3A4 CYP3A5 11526-1
* Component test codes cannot be used to order tests. The information provided here is not sufficient for interface builds; for a complete test mix, please click the sidebar link to access the Interface Map.


  • fentanyl
  • CYP3A5
  • 3A4
  • 3A5
  • CYP3A4
  • Cytochrome P450 3A4
  • Cytochrome P450 3A5
  • tacrolimus
CYP3A4 and CYP3A5